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Text File  |  1998-09-28  |  19KB  |  2,038 lines

  1. ###############################################################################
  2. # Drug-related street terms -- Natl. Criminal Justice Reference Service
  3. #    ncjrs.aspensys.com
  4. # Don Olivier    don@hsph.harvard.edu
  5. ###############################################################################
  6. Abe
  7. Abe's cabe
  8. Abolic
  9. Acapulco gold
  10. Acapulco red
  11. Ace
  12. Acid
  13. Acid head
  14. AD
  15. Adam
  16. African black
  17. African bush
  18. African woodbine
  19. Agonies
  20. Ah-pen-yen
  21. Aimies
  22. AIP
  23. Air blast
  24. Airhead
  25. Airplane
  26. Alice B. Toklas
  27. All lit up
  28. All star
  29. All-American drug
  30. Alpha-ET
  31. Ames
  32. Amidone
  33. Amoeba
  34. Amp
  35. Amp joint
  36. Amped-out
  37. Amping
  38. AMT
  39. Amys
  40. Anadrol
  41. Anatrofin
  42. Anavar
  43. Angel
  44. Angel dust
  45. Angel hair
  46. Angel mist
  47. Angel Poke
  48. Angie
  49. Angola
  50. Animal
  51. Animal trank
  52. Animal tranquilizer
  53. Antifreeze
  54. Apache
  55. Apple jacks
  56. Aries
  57. Aroma of men
  58. Artillery
  59. Ashes
  60. Atom bomb
  61. Atshitshi
  62. Aunt Hazel
  63. Aunt Mary
  64. Aunt Nora
  65. Aunti
  66. Aunti Emma
  67. Aurora borealis
  68. B
  69. B-40
  70. B.J.'s
  71. Babe
  72. Baby
  73. Baby bhang
  74. Baby habit
  75. Babysit
  76. Baby T
  77. Backbreakers
  78. Back door
  79. Backjack
  80. Back to back
  81. Backtrack
  82. Backup
  83. Backwards
  84. Bad bundle
  85. Bad
  86. Bad go
  87. Bad seed
  88. Bag
  89. Bag bride
  90. Bag man
  91. Bagging
  92. Bale
  93. Ball
  94. Balling
  95. Balloon
  96. Ballot
  97. Bam
  98. Bambalacha
  99. Bambs
  100. Bang
  101. Bank bandit pills
  102. Bar
  103. Barb
  104. Barbies
  105. Barbs
  106. Barrels
  107. Base
  108. Baseball
  109. Base crazies
  110. Base head
  111. Bash
  112. Basuco
  113. Bathtub speed
  114. Batt
  115. Battery acid
  116. Batu
  117. Bazooka
  118. Bazulco
  119. Beam me up Scottie
  120. Beamer
  121. Beans
  122. Beast
  123. Beat artist
  124. Beat vials
  125. Beautiful boulders
  126. Bebe
  127. Bedbugs
  128. Beemers
  129. Behind the scale
  130. Beiging
  131. Belladonna
  132. Belt
  133. Belushi
  134. Belyando spruce
  135. Bender
  136. Bennie
  137. Benz
  138. Bernice
  139. Bernie
  140. Bernie's flakes
  141. Bernie's gold dust
  142. Bhang
  143. Big bag
  144. Big bloke
  145. Big C
  146. Big 8
  147. Big D
  148. Big H
  149. Big Harry
  150. Big flake
  151. Big man
  152. Big O
  153. Big rush
  154. Bill Blass
  155. Billie hoke
  156. Bindle
  157. Bing
  158. Bingers
  159. Bingo
  160. Bings
  161. Birdie powder
  162. Biscuit
  163. Bite one's lips
  164. Biz
  165. Black
  166. Black acid
  167. Black and white
  168. Black bart
  169. Black beauties
  170. Black birds
  171. Black bombers
  172. Black ganga
  173. Black gold
  174. Black gungi
  175. Black gunion
  176. Black hash
  177. Black mo
  178. black moat
  179. Black mollies
  180. Black mote
  181. Black pearl
  182. Black pill
  183. Black rock
  184. Black Russian
  185. Black star
  186. Black stuff
  187. Black sunshine
  188. Black tabs
  189. Black tar
  190. Black whack
  191. Blacks
  192. Blanco
  193. Blanket
  194. Blanks
  195. Blast
  196. Blast a joint
  197. Blast a roach
  198. Blast a stick
  199. Blasted
  200. Blizzard
  201. Block
  202. Block busters
  203. Blonde
  204. Blotter
  205. Blotter acid
  206. Blotter cube
  207. Blow
  208. Blow a fix
  209. blow a shot
  210. blow the vein
  211. Blow a stick
  212. Blow blue
  213. Blowcaine
  214. Blow coke
  215. Blow one's roof
  216. Blow smoke
  217. Blowing smoke
  218. Blowout
  219. Blow up
  220. Blue
  221. Blue acid
  222. Blue angels
  223. Blue barrels
  224. Blue birds
  225. Blue boy
  226. Blue bullets
  227. Blue caps
  228. Blue chairs
  229. Blue cheers
  230. Blue de hue
  231. Blue devil
  232. Blue dolls
  233. Blue heaven
  234. Blue heavens
  235. Blud madman
  236. Blue microdot
  237. Blue mist
  238. Blue moons
  239. Blue sage
  240. Blue sky blond
  241. Blue tips
  242. Blue vials
  243. Blunt
  244. Bo-bo
  245. Boat
  246. Bobo
  247. Bobo bush
  248. Body packer
  249. Body stuffer
  250. Bogart a joint
  251. Bohd
  252. Bolasterone
  253. Bolivian marching powder
  254. Bolo
  255. Bolt
  256. Bomb
  257. Bomb squad
  258. Bomber
  259. Bombido
  260. Bombita
  261. Bombs away
  262. Bone
  263. Bonecrusher
  264. Bones
  265. Bong
  266. Bonita
  267. Boo
  268. Boom
  269. Boomers
  270. Boost
  271. Boost and shoot
  272. Booster
  273. Boot
  274. Boot the gong
  275. Booted
  276. Boppers
  277. Botray
  278. Bottles
  279. Boubou
  280. Boulder
  281. Boulya
  282. Bouncing powder
  283. Boxed
  284. Boy
  285. Bozo
  286. Brain ticklers
  287. Breakdowns
  288. Break night
  289. Brewery
  290. Brick
  291. Brick gum
  292. Bridge up
  293. bring up
  294. Britton
  295. Broccoli
  296. Broker
  297. Brown
  298. Brown bombers
  299. Brown crystal
  300. Brown dots
  301. Brown rhine
  302. Brown sugar
  303. Brownies
  304. Browns
  305. Bubble gum
  306. Buck
  307. Bud
  308. Buda
  309. Buffer
  310. Bugged
  311. Bull
  312. Bullet
  313. Bullet bolt
  314. Bullia capital
  315. Bullion
  316. Bullyon
  317. Bumblebees
  318. Bummer trip
  319. Bump
  320. Bundle
  321. Bunk
  322. Burese
  323. Burn one
  324. Burn the main line
  325. Burned
  326. Burned out
  327. Burnese
  328. Burnie
  329. Burnout
  330. Bush
  331. Businessman's LSD
  332. Businessman's trip
  333. Businessman's special
  334. Busted
  335. Busters
  336. Busy bee
  337. Butt naked
  338. Butter
  339. Butter flower
  340. Buttons
  341. Butu
  342. Buzz
  343. Buzz bomb
  344. C
  345. C  joint
  346. C & M
  347. C-dust
  348. C-game
  349. Caballo
  350. Cabello
  351. Caca
  352. Cactus
  353. Cactus buttons
  354. Cactus head
  355. Cad
  356. Cadillac
  357. Cadillac
  358. Cadillac express
  359. Cakes
  360. Caine
  361. California cornflakes
  362. California sunshine
  363. Cam trip
  364. Cambodian red
  365. Cam red
  366. Came
  367. Can
  368. Canadian black
  369. Canamo
  370. Canappa
  371. Cancelled stick
  372. Candy
  373. Candy C
  374. Cannabinol
  375. Cannabis tea
  376. Cap
  377. Caps
  378. Cap up
  379. Capital H
  380. Caps
  381. Carburetor
  382. Carga
  383. Carmabis
  384. Carne
  385. Carnie
  386. Carpet patrol
  387. Carrie
  388. Carrie Nation
  389. Cartucho
  390. Cartwheels
  391. Casper the ghost
  392. Cat
  393. Cat valium
  394. Catnip
  395. Caviar
  396. Cavite all star
  397. Cecil
  398. Chalk
  399. Chalked up
  400. Chalking
  401. Chandoo
  402. chandu
  403. Channel
  404. Channel swimmer
  405. Charas
  406. Charge
  407. Charged up
  408. Charley
  409. Charlie
  410. Chase
  411. Chaser
  412. Chasing the dragon
  413. Chasing the tiger
  414. Cheap basing
  415. Check
  416. Cheeba
  417. Cheeo
  418. Chemical
  419. Chewies
  420. Chiba chiba
  421. Chicago black
  422. Chicago green
  423. Chicken powder
  424. Chicken scratch
  425. Chicle
  426. Chief
  427. Chieva
  428. China cat
  429. China girl
  430. China town
  431. China White
  432. Chinese molasses
  433. Chinese red
  434. Chinese tobacco
  435. Chip
  436. Chipper
  437. Chipping
  438. Chippy
  439. Chira
  440. Chocolate
  441. Chocolate chips
  442. Chocolate ecstasy
  443. Cholly
  444. Chorals
  445. Christina
  446. Christmas rolls
  447. Christmas tree
  448. Chronic
  449. Chucks
  450. Churus
  451. Cid
  452. Cigarette paper
  453. Cigarrode cristal
  454. Citrol
  455. CJ
  456. Clarity
  457. Clear up
  458. Clicker
  459. Cliffhanger
  460. Climax
  461. Climb
  462. Clips
  463. Clocking paper
  464. Closet baser
  465. Cloud
  466. Cloud nine
  467. Cluck
  468. Co-pilot
  469. Coasting
  470. Coasts to coasts
  471. Coca
  472. Cocaine blues
  473. Cochornis
  474. Cocktail
  475. Cocoa puff
  476. Coconut
  477. Coco rocks
  478. Coco snow
  479. Cod
  480. Coffee
  481. Coke
  482. Coke bar
  483. Cola
  484. Cold turkey
  485. Coli
  486. Coliflor tostao
  487. Colorado cocktail
  488. Columbian
  489. Columbo
  490. Columbus black
  491. Comeback
  492. Come home
  493. Conductor
  494. Connect
  495. Contact lens
  496. Cook
  497. Cook down
  498. Cooker
  499. Cookies
  500. Coolie
  501. Cooler
  502. Cop
  503. Copping zones
  504. Coral
  505. Coriander seeds
  506. Cork the air
  507. Corrinne
  508. Cosa
  509. Cotics
  510. Cotton
  511. Cotton brothers
  512. Courage pills
  513. Course note
  514. Cozmo's
  515. Crack
  516. Crack attack
  517. Crack back
  518. Crack cooler
  519. Cracker jacks
  520. Crackers
  521. Crack gallery
  522. Crack spot
  523. Crank
  524. Cranking up
  525. Crap
  526. crop
  527. Crash
  528. Crazy coke
  529. Crazy Eddie
  530. Crazy weed
  531. Credit card
  532. Crib
  533. Crimmie
  534. Crink
  535. Cripple
  536. Cris
  537. Crisscross
  538. Cristina
  539. Cristy
  540. Croak
  541. Cross tops
  542. Crossroads
  543. Crown crap
  544. Crumbs
  545. Crunch & Munch
  546. Cruz
  547. Crying weed
  548. Crypto
  549. Crystal
  550. Crystal joint
  551. Crystal meth
  552. Cystal T
  553. Crystal tea
  554. Cube
  555. Cubes
  556. Culican
  557. Cupcakes
  558. Cura
  559. Cushion
  560. Cut
  561. Cut-deck
  562. Cycline
  563. Cyclones
  564. D
  565. Dabble
  566. Dagga
  567. Dama blanca
  568. Dance fever
  569. Dawamesk
  570. Dead on arrival
  571. Deca-duabolin
  572. Deccadence
  573. Deck
  574. Deeda
  575. Delatestryl
  576. Demo
  577. Demolish
  578. Dep-testosterone
  579. DET
  580. Detroit pink
  581. Deuce
  582. Devil's dandruff
  583. Devil's dick
  584. Devil's dust
  585. Devilsmoke
  586. Dew
  587. Dews
  588. Dexies
  589. Diambista
  590. Dianabol
  591. Diet pills
  592. Dihydrolone
  593. Dimba
  594. Dime
  595. Dime bag
  596. Dime's worth
  597. Ding
  598. Dinkie dow
  599. Dip
  600. Dipper
  601. Dipping out
  602. Dirt
  603. Dirt grass
  604. Dirty basing
  605. Disco biscuits
  606. Disease
  607. Ditch
  608. Ditch weed
  609. Djamba
  610. DMT
  611. Do a joint
  612. Do a line
  613. Do it Jack
  614. DOA
  615. Doctor
  616. Dog
  617. Dog food
  618. Dogie
  619. Dollar
  620. Dolls
  621. Domes
  622. Domestic
  623. Domex
  624. Dominoes
  625. Don jem
  626. Dona Juana
  627. Dona Juanita
  628. Doobie
  629. dubbe
  630. duby
  631. Doogie
  632. doojee
  633. dugie
  634. Dooley
  635. Dope
  636. Dope fiend
  637. Dope smoke
  638. Dopium
  639. Doradilla
  640. Dots
  641. Doub
  642. Double bubble
  643. Double cross
  644. Double dome
  645. Double rock
  646. Double trouble
  647. Double ups
  648. Double yoke
  649. Dove
  650. Dover's powder
  651. Downer
  652. Downie
  653. Draf weed
  654. Drag weed
  655. Draw up
  656. Dream
  657. Dream gum
  658. Dream stick
  659. Dreamer
  660. Dreams
  661. Dreck
  662. Drink
  663. Dropper
  664. Drowsy high
  665. Dry high
  666. Duct
  667. 'Due
  668. Duji
  669. Dummy dust
  670. Durabolin
  671. Durog
  672. Duros
  673. Dust
  674. Dust joint
  675. Dust of angels
  676. Dusted parsley
  677. Dusting
  678. Dymethzine
  679. Dynamite
  680. Dyno
  681. Dyno-pure
  682. Earth
  683. Easing powder
  684. Eastside player
  685. Easy score
  686. Eating
  687. Ecstasy
  688. Egg
  689. Eight ball
  690. Eightball
  691. Eighth
  692. El diablito
  693. El diablo
  694. Electric Kool Aid
  695. Elephant
  696. Elephant tranquilizer
  697. Embalming fluid
  698. Emergency gun
  699. Emsel
  700. Endo
  701. Energizer
  702. Enoltestovis
  703. Ephedrone
  704. Equipose
  705. Erth
  706. Esra
  707. Essence
  708. Estuffa
  709. ET
  710. Eve
  711. Explorers club
  712. Eye opener
  713. Factory
  714. Fake STP
  715. Fall
  716. Fallbrook redhair
  717. Famous dimes
  718. Fantasia
  719. Fat bags
  720. Fatty
  721. Feed bag
  722. Ferry dust
  723. Fi-do-nie
  724. Fields
  725. Fiend
  726. Fifteen cents
  727. Fifty-one
  728. Finajet
  729. finaject
  730. Fine stuff
  731. Finger
  732. Fir
  733. Fire
  734. Fire it up
  735. First line
  736. Fish scales
  737. Five cent bag
  738. Five C note
  739. Five dollar bag
  740. Fives
  741. Fix
  742. Fizzies
  743. Flag
  744. Flake
  745. Flakes
  746. Flame cooking
  747. Flamethrowers
  748. Flash
  749. Flat blues
  750. Flat chunks
  751. Flea powder
  752. Florida snow
  753. Flower
  754. Flower tops
  755. Fly Mexican airlines
  756. Flying
  757. Following that cloud
  758. Foo foo stuff
  759. Foo-foo dust
  760. Foolish powder
  761. Footballs
  762. 45 Minute Psychosis
  763. Forwards
  764. Fraho
  765. frajo
  766. Freebase
  767. Freeze
  768. French blue
  769. French fries
  770. Fresh
  771. Friend
  772. Fries
  773. Frios
  774. Frisco special
  775. Frisco speedball
  776. Friskie powder
  777. Fry
  778. Fry daddy
  779. Fu
  780. Fuel
  781. Fuete
  782. Fuma D'Angola
  783. G
  784. G.B.
  785. GHB
  786. G-rock
  787. G-shot
  788. Gaffel
  789. Gaffus
  790. Gage
  791. gauge
  792. Gagers
  793. Gaggers
  794. Galloping horse
  795. Gamot
  796. Gange
  797. Gangster
  798. Gangster pills
  799. Ganja
  800. Gank
  801. Garbage
  802. Garbage heads
  803. Garbage rock
  804. Gash
  805. Gasper
  806. Gasper stick
  807. Gato
  808. Gauge butt
  809. Gee
  810. Geek
  811. Geeze
  812. Geezer
  813. Geezin a bit of dee gee
  814. George smack
  815. Get a gage up
  816. Get a gift
  817. Get down
  818. Get high
  819. Get lifted
  820. Get off
  821. Get the wind
  822. Get through
  823. Ghana
  824. Ghost
  825. Ghost busting
  826. Gick monster
  827. Gift-of-the-sun
  828. Giggle smoke
  829. Gimmick
  830. Gimmie
  831. Gin
  832. Girl
  833. Girlfriend
  834. Give wings
  835. Glacines
  836. Glad stuff
  837. Glading
  838. Glass
  839. Glass gun
  840. Glo
  841. Gluey
  842. Go-fast
  843. Go into a sewer
  844. Go loco
  845. Go on a sleigh ride
  846. God's flesh
  847. God's medicine
  848. God's drug
  849. Gold
  850. Gold dust
  851. Gold star
  852. Golden Dragon
  853. Golden girl
  854. Golden leaf
  855. Golf ball
  856. Golf balls
  857. Golpe
  858. Goma
  859. Gondola
  860. Gong
  861. Goob
  862. Good
  863. Good and plenty
  864. Good butt
  865. Good giggles
  866. Good go
  867. Good H
  868. Good lick
  869. Goodfellas
  870. Goof butt
  871. Goofball
  872. Goofers
  873. Goofy's
  874. Goon
  875. Goon dust
  876. Gopher
  877. Goric
  878. Gorilla tab
  879. Gorilla biscuits
  880. Gorilla pills
  881. Got it going on
  882. Graduate
  883. Gram
  884. Grape parfait
  885. Grass
  886. Grass brownies
  887. Grata
  888. Gravel
  889. Gravy
  890. Grease
  891. Great bear
  892. Great tobacco
  893. Green
  894. Green double domes
  895. Green dragons
  896. Green frog
  897. Green goddess
  898. Green gold
  899. Green goods
  900. Green leaves
  901. Green single domes
  902. Green tea
  903. Green wedge
  904. Greens
  905. green stuff
  906. Greeter
  907. Greta
  908. Grey shields
  909. Griefo
  910. Griff
  911. Griffa
  912. Griffo
  913. Grit
  914. Groceries
  915. Ground control
  916. Gum
  917. Guma
  918. Gun
  919. Gungun
  920. Gutter
  921. Gutter junkie
  922. Gyve
  923. H
  924. H & C
  925. H Caps
  926. Hache
  927. Hail
  928. Hairy
  929. Half
  930. Half-a-C
  931. Half a football field
  932. Half G
  933. Half load
  934. Half moon
  935. Half piece
  936. Half track
  937. Hamburger helper
  938. Hand-to-hand
  939. Hand-to-hand man
  940. Hanhich
  941. Hanyak
  942. Happy cigarette
  943. Happy dust
  944. Happy powder
  945. Happy trails
  946. Hard candy
  947. Hard line
  948. Hard rock
  949. Hard stuff
  950. Hardware
  951. Harry
  952. Hats
  953. Has
  954. Have a dust
  955. Haven dust
  956. Hawaiin
  957. Hawaiian sunshine
  958. Hawk
  959. Hay
  960. Hay butt
  961. Haze
  962. Hazel
  963. HCP
  964. Head drugs
  965. Headlights
  966. Heart-on
  967. Hearts
  968. Heaven and Hell
  969. Heaven dust
  970. Heavenly blue
  971. Heeled
  972. Helen
  973. Hell dust
  974. He-man
  975. Hemp
  976. Henpicking
  977. Henry
  978. Henry VIII
  979. Her
  980. Herb
  981. Herb and Al
  982. Herba
  983. Herms
  984. Hero
  985. Hero of the underworld
  986. Heroina
  987. Herone
  988. Hessle
  989. Highbeams
  990. Hikori
  991. Hikuli
  992. Him
  993. Hinkley
  994. Hippie crack
  995. Hiropon
  996. Hit
  997. Hit the hay
  998. Hit the main line
  999. Hit the needle
  1000. Hit the pit
  1001. Hitch up the reindeers
  1002. Hitter
  1003. Hitting up
  1004. Hocus
  1005. Hog
  1006. Holding
  1007. Hombre
  1008. Hombrecitos
  1009. Homegrown
  1010. Honey
  1011. Honey blunts
  1012. Honey oil
  1013. Honeymoon
  1014. Hong-yen
  1015. Hooch
  1016. Hooked
  1017. Hooter
  1018. Hop
  1019. hops
  1020. Hopped up
  1021. Horn
  1022. Horning
  1023. Horse
  1024. Horse heads
  1025. Horse tracks
  1026. Horse tranquilizer
  1027. Hot dope
  1028. Hot heroin
  1029. Hot ice
  1030. Hot load
  1031. hot shot
  1032. Hot stick
  1033. Hotcakes
  1034. House fee
  1035. House piece
  1036. How do you like me now?
  1037. Hows
  1038. HRN
  1039. Hubba, I am back
  1040. Hubba pigeon
  1041. Hubbas
  1042. Huff
  1043. Huffer
  1044. Hulling
  1045. Hunter
  1046. Hustle
  1047. Hyatari
  1048. Hype
  1049. Hype stick
  1050. I am back
  1051. Ice
  1052. Ice cream habit
  1053. Ice cube
  1054. Icing
  1055. Idiot pills
  1056. In
  1057. Inbetweens
  1058. Inca message
  1059. Indian boy
  1060. Indian hay
  1061. Indica
  1062. Indo
  1063. Indonesian bud
  1064. Instant zen
  1065. Interplanetary mission
  1066. Isda
  1067. Issues
  1068. J
  1069. Jab
  1070. job
  1071. Jack
  1072. Jackpot
  1073. Jack-Up
  1074. Jag
  1075. Jam
  1076. Jam cecil
  1077. Jane
  1078. Jay smoke
  1079. Jay
  1080. Jee gee
  1081. Jefferson airplane
  1082. Jellies
  1083. Jelly
  1084. Jelly baby
  1085. Jelly bean
  1086. Jelly beans
  1087. Jet
  1088. Jet fuel
  1089. Jim Jones
  1090. Jive
  1091. Jive doo jee
  1092. Jive stick
  1093. Johnson
  1094. Joint
  1095. Jojee
  1096. Jolly bean
  1097. Jolly green
  1098. Jolly pop
  1099. Jolt
  1100. Jones
  1101. Jonesing
  1102. Joy flakes
  1103. Joy juice
  1104. Joy plant
  1105. Joy pop
  1106. Joy popping
  1107. Joy powder
  1108. Joy smoke
  1109. Joy stick
  1110. Ju-ju
  1111. Juan Valdez
  1112. Juanita
  1113. Juggle
  1114. Juggler
  1115. Jugs
  1116. Juice
  1117. Juice joint
  1118. Jum
  1119. Jumbos
  1120. Junk
  1121. Junkie
  1122. K
  1123. Kabayo
  1124. Kabuki
  1125. Kaksonjae
  1126. Kali
  1127. Kangaroo
  1128. Kaps
  1129. Karachi
  1130. Kaya
  1131. K-blast
  1132. Kentucky blue
  1133. KGB (killer green bud)
  1134. K-hole
  1135. Kibbles & Bits
  1136. Kick
  1137. Kick stick
  1138. Kiddie dope
  1139. Kiff
  1140. Killer
  1141. Killer weed (1980s)
  1142. Killer weed (1960s)
  1143. Kilo
  1144. Kilter
  1145. Kind
  1146. King ivory
  1147. King Kong pills
  1148. King's habit
  1149. Kit
  1150. KJ
  1151. Kleenex
  1152. Klingons
  1153. Kokomo
  1154. Koller joints
  1155. Kools
  1156. Kryptonite
  1157. Krystal
  1158. Krystal joint
  1159. Kumba
  1160. KW
  1161. L
  1162. L.A.
  1163. L.A. glass
  1164. L.A. ice
  1165. L.L.
  1166. Lace
  1167. Lady
  1168. Lady caine
  1169. Lady snow
  1170. Lakbay diva
  1171. Lamborghini
  1172. Las mujercitas
  1173. Lason sa daga
  1174. Laugh and scratch
  1175. Laughing gas
  1176. Laughing grass
  1177. Laughing weed
  1178. Lay back
  1179. Lay-out
  1180. LBJ
  1181. Leaky bolla
  1182. Leaky leak
  1183. Leaf
  1184. Leapers
  1185. Leaping
  1186. Legal speed
  1187. Lemon 714
  1188. Lemonade
  1189. Lens
  1190. Lethal weapon
  1191. Lettuce
  1192. Lib (Librium)
  1193. Lid
  1194. Lid proppers
  1195. Light stuff
  1196. Lightning
  1197. Lima
  1198. Lime acid
  1199. Line
  1200. Lipton Tea
  1201. Lit up
  1202. Little bomb
  1203. Little ones
  1204. Little smoke
  1205. Live ones
  1206. Llesca
  1207. Load
  1208. Loaded
  1209. Loaf
  1210. Lobo
  1211. Locker room
  1212. Locoweed
  1213. Log
  1214. Logor
  1215. Loused
  1216. Love
  1217. Love affair
  1218. Love boat
  1219. Love drug
  1220. Love pearls
  1221. Love pills
  1222. Love trip
  1223. Love weed
  1224. Lovelies
  1225. Lovely
  1226. LSD
  1227. Lubage
  1228. Lucy in the sky with diamonds
  1229. Ludes
  1230. Luding out
  1231. Luds
  1232. M
  1233. M.J.
  1234. M.O.
  1235. M.S.
  1236. M.U.
  1237. M&M
  1238. Machinery
  1239. Macon
  1240. Madman
  1241. Mad dog
  1242. Magic
  1243. Magic dust
  1244. Magic mushroom
  1245. Magic smoke
  1246. Main line
  1247. Mainliner
  1248. Make up
  1249. Mama coca
  1250. Manhattan silver
  1251. Marathons
  1252. Mari
  1253. Marshmallow reds
  1254. Mary
  1255. Mary and Johnny
  1256. Mary Ann
  1257. Mary Jane
  1258. Mary Jonas
  1259. Mary Warner
  1260. Mary Weaver
  1261. Maserati
  1262. Matchbox
  1263. Matsakow
  1264. Maui wauie
  1265. Max
  1266. Maxibolin
  1267. Mayo
  1268. MDM
  1269. MDMA
  1270. Mean green
  1271. Meg
  1272. Megg
  1273. Meggie
  1274. Mellow yellow
  1275. Merchandise
  1276. Merk
  1277. Mesc
  1278. Mescal
  1279. Mese
  1280. Messorole
  1281. Meth
  1282. Meth head
  1283. Meth monster
  1284. Methatriol
  1285. Methyltestosterone
  1286. Mexican brown
  1287. Mexican horse
  1288. Mexican mud
  1289. Mexican mushroom
  1290. Mexican red
  1291. Mexican reds
  1292. Mezc
  1293. Mickey Finn
  1294. Mickey's
  1295. Microdot
  1296. Midnight oil
  1297. Mighty Quinn
  1298. Mighty Joe Young
  1299. Mighty mezz
  1300. Mind detergent
  1301. Minibennie
  1302. Mint leaf
  1303. Mint weed
  1304. Mira
  1305. Miss
  1306. Miss Emma
  1307. Missile basing
  1308. Mission
  1309. Mist
  1310. Mister blue
  1311. Modams
  1312. Mohasky
  1313. Mojo
  1314. Monkey
  1315. Monkey dust
  1316. Monkey tranquilizer
  1317. Monos
  1318. Monte
  1319. Mooca
  1320. moocah
  1321. Moon
  1322. Moonrock
  1323. Mooster
  1324. Moota
  1325. mutah
  1326. Mooters
  1327. Mootie
  1328. Mootos
  1329. Mor a grifa
  1330. More
  1331. Morf
  1332. Morning wake-up
  1333. Morotgara
  1334. Mortal combat
  1335. Mosquitos
  1336. Mota
  1337. moto
  1338. Mother
  1339. Mother's little helper
  1340. Mouth worker
  1341. Movie star drug
  1342. Mow the grass
  1343. Mud
  1344. Muggie
  1345. Mujer
  1346. Mule
  1347. Murder one
  1348. Murder 8
  1349. Mushrooms
  1350. Musk
  1351. Mutha
  1352. Muzzle
  1353. Nail
  1354. Nailed
  1355. Nanoo
  1356. Nebbies
  1357. Nemmies
  1358. New acid
  1359. New magic
  1360. New Jack Swing
  1361. Nexus
  1362. Nice and easy
  1363. Nickel bag
  1364. Nickel deck
  1365. Nickel note
  1366. Nickelonians
  1367. Niebla
  1368. Nimbies
  1369. Nix
  1370. Nod
  1371. Noise
  1372. Nontoucher
  1373. Nose
  1374. Nose candy
  1375. Nose drops
  1376. Nose stuff
  1377. Nose powder
  1378. Nubs
  1379. Nugget
  1380. Nuggets
  1381. Number
  1382. Number 3
  1383. Number 4
  1384. Number 8
  1385. O
  1386. O.J.
  1387. O.P.
  1388. O.P.P.
  1389. Octane
  1390. Ogoy
  1391. Oil
  1392. Old Steve
  1393. On a mission
  1394. On a trip
  1395. On ice
  1396. On the bricks
  1397. On the nod
  1398. One and one
  1399. One box tissue
  1400. One-fifty-one
  1401. One way
  1402. Ope
  1403. Optical illusions
  1404. Orange barrels
  1405. Orange crystal
  1406. Orange cubes
  1407. Orange haze
  1408. Orange micro
  1409. Orange wedges
  1410. Oranges
  1411. Outerlimits
  1412. Owsley
  1413. Owsley's acid
  1414. Oz
  1415. Ozone
  1416. P
  1417. PCP
  1418. PCPA
  1419. P.R. (Panama Red)
  1420. P-dope
  1421. P-funk
  1422. Pack
  1423. Pack of rocks
  1424. Pakalolo
  1425. Pakistani black
  1426. Panama cut
  1427. Panama gold
  1428. Panama red
  1429. Panatella
  1430. Panckes and syrup
  1431. Pane
  1432. Pangonadalot
  1433. Panic
  1434. Paper acid
  1435. Paper bag
  1436. Paper blunts
  1437. Paper boy
  1438. Parabolin
  1439. Parachute
  1440. Paradise
  1441. Paradise white
  1442. Parlay
  1443. Parsley
  1444. Paste
  1445. Pat
  1446. Patico
  1447. Paz
  1448. Peace
  1449. Peace pill
  1450. Peace tablets
  1451. Peace weed
  1452. Peaches
  1453. Peanut
  1454. Peanut butter
  1455. Pearl
  1456. Pearls
  1457. Pearly gates
  1458. Pebbles
  1459. Peddlar
  1460. Pee Wee
  1461. Peep
  1462. Peg
  1463. Pellets
  1464. Pen yan
  1465. Pep pills
  1466. Pepsi habit
  1467. Perfect High
  1468. Perico
  1469. Perp
  1470. Peter Pan
  1471. Peth
  1472. Peruvian
  1473. Peruvian flake
  1474. Peruvian lady
  1475. Peyote
  1476. Phennies
  1477. Phenos
  1478. Pianoing
  1479. Piece
  1480. Piedras
  1481. Pig Killer
  1482. Piles
  1483. Pimp
  1484. Pimp your pipe
  1485. Pin
  1486. Pin gon
  1487. Pin yen
  1488. Ping-in-wing
  1489. Pink blotters
  1490. Pink hearts
  1491. Pink ladies
  1492. Pink Panther
  1493. Pink robots
  1494. Pink wedge
  1495. Pink witches
  1496. Pipe
  1497. Pipero
  1498. Pit
  1499. Pixies
  1500. Plant
  1501. Pocket rocket
  1502. Pod
  1503. Poison
  1504. Poke
  1505. Polvo
  1506. Polvo blanco
  1507. Polvo de angel
  1508. Polvo de estrellas
  1509. Pony
  1510. Poor man's pot
  1511. Pop
  1512. Poppers
  1513. Poppy
  1514. Pot
  1515. Potato
  1516. Potato chips
  1517. Potten bush
  1518. Powder
  1519. Powder diamonds
  1520. Power puller
  1521. Pox
  1522. Prescription
  1523. Press
  1524. Pretendica
  1525. Pretendo
  1526. Primo
  1527. Primobolan
  1528. Primos
  1529. Proviron
  1530. Pseudocaine
  1531. Puff the dragon
  1532. Puffer
  1533. Puffy
  1534. Pulborn
  1535. Pullers
  1536. Pumping
  1537. Pure
  1538. Pure love
  1539. Purple
  1540. Purple barrels
  1541. Purple haze
  1542. Purple hearts
  1543. Purple flats
  1544. Purple ozoline
  1545. Purple rain
  1546. Push
  1547. Push shorts
  1548. Pusher
  1549. Q
  1550. Quad
  1551. Quarter
  1552. Quarter bag
  1553. Quarter moon
  1554. Quarter piece
  1555. Quartz
  1556. Quas
  1557. Queen Ann's lace
  1558. Quicksilver
  1559. Quill
  1560. Quinolone
  1561. Racehorse charlie
  1562. Ragweed
  1563. Railroad weed
  1564. Rainbows
  1565. Rainy day woman
  1566. Rambo
  1567. Rane
  1568. Rangood
  1569. Rap
  1570. Raspberry
  1571. Rasta weed
  1572. Raw
  1573. Rave
  1574. Razed
  1575. Ready rock
  1576. Recompress
  1577. Recycle
  1578. Red
  1579. Red and blue
  1580. Red bullets
  1581. Red caps
  1582. Red cross
  1583. Red chicken
  1584. Red devil
  1585. Red dirt
  1586. Reds
  1587. Red eagle
  1588. Red phosphorus
  1589. Reefer
  1590. Regular P
  1591. Reindeer dust
  1592. Rhine
  1593. Rhythm
  1594. Riding the wave
  1595. Rig
  1596. Righteous bush
  1597. Ringer
  1598. Rippers
  1599. Roach
  1600. Roach clip
  1601. Road dope
  1602. Roca
  1603. Rock attack
  1604. Rock house
  1605. Rock(s)
  1606. Rocket caps
  1607. Rocket fuel
  1608. Rockets
  1609. Rockette
  1610. Rocks of hell
  1611. Rock star
  1612. Rocky III
  1613. Roid rage
  1614. Roller
  1615. Rollers
  1616. Rolling
  1617. Rooster
  1618. Root
  1619. Rope
  1620. Rosa
  1621. Rose marie
  1622. Roses
  1623. Rox
  1624. Roxanne
  1625. Royal blues
  1626. Roz
  1627. Ruderalis
  1628. Runners
  1629. Running
  1630. Rush
  1631. Rush snappers
  1632. Russian sickles
  1633. Sack
  1634. Sacrament
  1635. Sacre mushroom
  1636. Salt
  1637. Salt and pepper
  1638. Sam
  1639. Sancocho
  1640. Sandoz
  1641. Sandwich
  1642. Santa Marta
  1643. Sasfras
  1644. Satan's secret
  1645. Satch
  1646. Satch cotton
  1647. Sativa
  1648. Scaffle
  1649. Scag
  1650. Scat
  1651. Scate
  1652. Schmeck
  1653. Schoolboy
  1654. Schoolcraft
  1655. Scissors
  1656. Score
  1657. Scorpion
  1658. Scott
  1659. Scottie
  1660. Scotty
  1661. Scramble
  1662. Scratch
  1663. Scruples
  1664. Scuffle
  1665. Seccy
  1666. Seeds
  1667. Seggy
  1668. Sen
  1669. Seni
  1670. Sernyl
  1671. Serpico 21
  1672. Server
  1673. Sess
  1674. Set
  1675. Sevenup
  1676. Sewer
  1677. Sezz
  1678. Shabu
  1679. Shake
  1680. Shaker
  1681. baker
  1682. water
  1683. Sharps
  1684. She
  1685. Sheets
  1686. Sheet rocking
  1687. Shermans
  1688. Sherms
  1689. Shmeck
  1690. schmeek
  1691. Shoot
  1692. shoot up
  1693. Shoot the breeze
  1694. Shooting gallery
  1695. Shot
  1696. Shot down
  1697. Shrooms
  1698. Siddi
  1699. Sightball
  1700. Silly Putty
  1701. Simple Simon
  1702. Sinse
  1703. Sinsemilla
  1704. Sixty-two
  1705. Skee
  1706. Skeegers
  1707. skeezers
  1708. Skid
  1709. Skied
  1710. Skin popping
  1711. Skuffle
  1712. Skunk
  1713. Slab
  1714. Slam
  1715. Slanging
  1716. Sleeper
  1717. Sleet
  1718. Slick superspeed
  1719. Slime
  1720. Smack
  1721. Smears
  1722. Smoking
  1723. Smoke
  1724. Smoke Canada
  1725. Smoke-out
  1726. Smoking gun
  1727. Snap
  1728. Snappers
  1729. Sniff
  1730. Snop
  1731. Snort
  1732. Snorts
  1733. Snot
  1734. Snot balls
  1735. Snow
  1736. Snowball
  1737. Snow bird
  1738. Snowcones
  1739. Snow pallets
  1740. Snow seals
  1741. Snow soke
  1742. Snow white
  1743. Society high
  1744. Soda
  1745. Softballs
  1746. Soles
  1747. Soma
  1748. Sopers
  1749. Space base
  1750. Space cadet
  1751. Space dust
  1752. Space ship
  1753. Spark it up
  1754. Sparkle plenty
  1755. Sparklers
  1756. Special "K"
  1757. Special la coke
  1758. Speed
  1759. Speed boat
  1760. Speed freak
  1761. Speed for lovers
  1762. Speedball
  1763. Spider blue
  1764. Spike
  1765. Splash
  1766. Spliff
  1767. Splim
  1768. Split
  1769. Splivins
  1770. Spoon
  1771. Spores
  1772. Sporting
  1773. Spray
  1774. Sprung
  1775. Square mackerel
  1776. Square time Bob
  1777. Squirrel
  1778. Stack
  1779. Stacking
  1780. Star
  1781. Stardust
  1782. Star-spangled powder
  1783. Stash
  1784. Stash areas
  1785. Stat
  1786. Steerer
  1787. Stem
  1788. Stems
  1789. Step on
  1790. Stick
  1791. Stink weed
  1792. Stoned
  1793. Stones
  1794. Stoppers
  1795. STP
  1796. Straw
  1797. Strawberries
  1798. Strawberry
  1799. Strawberry fields
  1800. Strung out
  1801. Stuff
  1802. Stumbler
  1803. Sugar
  1804. Sugar block
  1805. Sugar cubes
  1806. Sugar lumps
  1807. Sugar weed
  1808. Sunshine
  1809. Super
  1810. Super acid
  1811. Super C
  1812. Super Grass
  1813. Super ice
  1814. Super joint
  1815. Super kools
  1816. Super weed
  1817. Supergrass
  1818. surfer
  1819. Sweet Jesus
  1820. Sweet Lucy
  1821. Sweet stuff
  1822. Sweets
  1823. Swell up
  1824. synthetic cocaine
  1825. Synthetic THT
  1826. T
  1827. T.N.T.
  1828. Tabs
  1829. Tail lights
  1830. Taima
  1831. Taking a cruise
  1832. Takkouri
  1833. Tango & Cash
  1834. Tar
  1835. Tardust
  1836. Taste
  1837. Taxing
  1838. T-buzz
  1839. Tea
  1840. Tea party
  1841. Teardrops
  1842. Tecate
  1843. Tecatos
  1844. Teeth
  1845. Tension
  1846. Tex-mex
  1847. Texas pot
  1848. Texas tea
  1849. Thai sticks
  1850. THC
  1851. The beast
  1852. The C
  1853. The devil
  1854. The witch
  1855. Therobolin
  1856. Thing
  1857. Thirst monsters
  1858. Thirteen
  1859. Thoroughbred
  1860. Thrust
  1861. Thrusters
  1862. Thumb
  1863. Tic
  1864. Tic tac
  1865. Ticket
  1866. Tie
  1867. Tin
  1868. Tish
  1869. Tissue
  1870. Titch
  1871. Toilet water
  1872. Toke
  1873. Toke up
  1874. Toncho
  1875. Tooles
  1876. Tools
  1877. Toot
  1878. Tooties
  1879. Tootsie roll
  1880. Top gun
  1881. Topi
  1882. Tops
  1883. Torch
  1884. Torch cooking
  1885. Torch up
  1886. Torpedo
  1887. Toss up
  1888. Totally spent
  1889. Toucher
  1890. Tout
  1891. Toxy
  1892. Toys
  1893. TR-6s
  1894. Track
  1895. Tracks
  1896. Tragic magic
  1897. Trails
  1898. Trank
  1899. Tranq
  1900. Trap
  1901. Trays
  1902. Travel agent
  1903. Trip
  1904. Troop
  1905. Trophobolene
  1906. Truck drivers
  1907. TT1
  1908. TT2
  1909. TT3
  1910. Tuie
  1911. Turbo
  1912. Turf
  1913. Turkey
  1914. Turnabout
  1915. Turned on
  1916. Tutti-frutti
  1917. Tweak mission
  1918. Tweaker
  1919. Tweaking
  1920. Tweek
  1921. Tweeker
  1922. Twenty
  1923. Twenty-five
  1924. Twist
  1925. Twistum
  1926. Two for nine
  1927. Ultimate
  1928. Uncle
  1929. Uncle Milty
  1930. Unkie
  1931. Up against the stem
  1932. Uppers
  1933. Uppies
  1934. Ups and downs
  1935. Utopiates
  1936. Uzi
  1937. V
  1938. Viper's weed
  1939. Vodka acid
  1940. Wac
  1941. Wack
  1942. Wacky weed
  1943. Wake ups
  1944. Wasted
  1945. Water
  1946. Wave
  1947. Wedding bells
  1948. Wedge
  1949. Weed
  1950. Weed tea
  1951. Weightless
  1952. Whack
  1953. Wheat
  1954. When-shee
  1955. Whippets
  1956. White
  1957. White ball
  1958. White boy
  1959. White cloud
  1960. White cross
  1961. White dust
  1962. White ghost
  1963. White girl
  1964. White-haired lady
  1965. White horizon
  1966. White horse
  1967. White junk
  1968. White lady
  1969. White lightning
  1970. White mosquito
  1971. White nurse
  1972. White Owsley's
  1973. White powder
  1974. White stuff
  1975. White sugar
  1976. White tornado
  1977. Whiteout
  1978. Whites
  1979. Whiz bang
  1980. Wild cat
  1981. Window glass
  1982. Window pane
  1983. Wings
  1984. Winstrol
  1985. Winstrol V
  1986. Witch
  1987. Witch hazel
  1988. Wobble weed
  1989. Wolf
  1990. Wollie
  1991. Wonder star
  1992. Woolah
  1993. Woolas
  1994. Woolies
  1995. Wooly blunts
  1996. Working
  1997. Working half
  1998. Works
  1999. Worm
  2000. Wrecking crew
  2001. X
  2002. X-ing
  2003. XTC
  2004. Yahoo
  2005. yeaho
  2006. Yale
  2007. Yeh
  2008. Yellow
  2009. Yellow bam
  2010. Yellow bullets
  2011. Yellow dimples
  2012. Yellow fever
  2013. Yellow jackets
  2014. Yellow submarine
  2015. Yellow sunshine
  2016. Yen pop
  2017. Yen Shee Suey
  2018. Yen sleep
  2019. Yerba
  2020. Yerba mala
  2021. Yesca
  2022. Yesco
  2023. Yeyo
  2024. Yimyom
  2025. Z
  2026. Zacatecas purple
  2027. Zambi
  2028. Zen
  2029. Zero
  2030. Zig Zag man
  2031. Zip
  2032. Zol
  2033. Zombie
  2034. Zombie weed
  2035. Zooie
  2036. Zoom
  2037. Zoomers